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  1. Annotate 2 0 5 Fraction
  2. Annotate 2 0 5th

Annotation used to indicate when value of the annotated property (when used for a field, method or constructor parameter), or all properties of the annotated class, is to be serialized. Without annotation property values are always included, but by using this annotation one can specify simple exclusion rules to reduce amount of properties to. Write '0-0' or '0-0-0' if you castle on the kingside or queenside respectively. Castling refers to moving your king two squares horizontally toward one of your rooks, and then placing the closest rook on the opposite side of the king.

  1. Annotate text strings. Compute annotations by iteratively calling the given annotators with the given text and current annotations, and merging the newly computed annotations with the current ones.
  2. DOI: 10.18129/B9.bioc.annotate Annotation for microarrays. Bioconductor version: Release (3.11) Using R enviroments for annotation.

1) Introduction

Annotations in Java is all about adding meta-data facility to the Java Elements. Like Classes, Interfaces or Enums, Annotations define a type in Java and they can be applied to several Java Elements. Tools which will read and interpret the Annotations will implement a lot of functionalities from the meta-information obtained. For example, they can ensure the consistency between classes, can check the validity of the paramters passed by the clients at run-time and can generate lot of base code for a project. This article provides you a complete guide detailing the various aspects of Annotations. The topics covered in this article are as follows,

also read:

2) Java Annotations

2.1) Introduction

Java, being a wonderful object-oriented language provided support for Annotations starting from 5.0. Davinci resolve studio 12 5 download free. This feature was added to Java 5.0 as a result of the JSR 175 namely 'A Metadata Facility for the JavaTM Programming Language'. Annotations in Java can be seen elsewhere in a program. It can be seen in class declaration, method declaration, field declaration etc. The added Annotation to Java Elements have proven themselves to be considerably useful in many instances. Consider the following class definition,

The above is a definition of a class, Employee. It can be noted that the class declaration is preceded with the final keyword which tells that this class cannot be sub-classed. So, the introduction of the final keyword adds some additional information (or adds some constraints) over the class definition telling that no other class in the word can extend the Employee class. Therefore, the final keyword forms a part in providing meta-data information in the class definition. So, this is one variation of Annotation. Annotations are generally a way to add meta-data information to an element (an element can be a class, method, field, or anything) and these meta-data are processed by the tools (compilers, javadoc, etc.). Annotations are differentiated from other elements like class, interface etc., by preceding an '@' symbol before it.
An annotation definition looks like the following,

Don't get confused with the interface keyword. It has nothing to do with annotations. '@' along with interface is the start of the annotation definition and TestAnnotation in the above case is the name of the Annotation. Whether annotations can be applied to class (a class-level annotation), or a method (method-level annotation) or a field (field-level annotation) is specified in the declaration of the annotation itself. This is referred to as Annotating an Annotation itself.
The Meta-Annotations that would be covered in the forthcoming sections are,

  • Target Annotation
  • Retention Annotation

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2.2) Target Annotation

For example, if the case is that @TestAnnotation annotation can only be applied to methods, then there is a Meta-Annotation (meta-data about meta-data) which tells for which element type this annotation is applicable. For example, the following is the declaration of the @TestAnnotation annotation along with some meta-data that states the elements that this annotation can be applied to.


From the above, we can see that the Annotation @TestAnnotation is annotated with @Target. This kind of Annotation Chaining is always possible. The target element tells that the @TestAnnotation annotation can be applied only to methods and not to any other element types. The argument to @Target Annotation can be one from the possible set of values of any Java Element, which is defined in a well-defined Enum called ElementType. Here are the possible values taken by this Enum,

  • TYPE – Applied only to Type. A Type can be a Java class or interface or an Enum or even an Annotation.
  • FIELD – Applied only to Java Fields (Objects, Instance or Static, declared at class level).
  • METHOD – Applied only to methods.
  • PARAMETER – Applied only to method parameters in a method definition.
  • CONSTRUCTOR – Can be applicable only to a constructor of a class.
  • LOCAL_VARIABLE – Can be applicable only to Local variables. (Variables that are declared within a method or a block of code).
  • ANNOTATION_TYPE – Applied only to Annotation Types.
  • PACKAGE – Applicable only to a Package.

2.3) Retention Annotation

Another commonly used Meta-data for an Annotation is the Retention Policy. Assume that we have some Annotations defined in the source code. We have a mechanism through which we can say that to what extent the Annotations should be retained. The three possible ways of telling this are,

  • Retain the Annotation in the Source Code only
  • Retain the Annotation in the Class file also.
  • Retain the Annotation Definition during the Run-time so that JVM can make use of it.

The Annotation that is used to achieve this is @Retention and it takes a possible values of SOURCE, CLASS and RUNTIME defined in RetentionPolicy Enumeration. For example, if we want to retain the @TestAnnotation information till the class file, we can define something like this,

3) Built-in Annotations in Java

There are some pre-defined annotations available in the Java Programming language. They are,

  • Override
  • Deprecated
  • SuppressWarnings

3.1) The @Override Annotation

The syntax of the @Override annotation is as follows,

@Override annotation essentially tells to the compiler that, whenever such an annotation is defined in a method of some class, then that method must be an overridden method. If not, then the compilers can report them as errors. Consider the following sample which explains this,

In the above sample code, we have a class called Employee with two methods namely startWork() and endWork(). These methods have been marked as protected so that sub-classses can override them by providing their own functionality. A class, Manager is created and the methods are overriden in the sub-class. At this point, we have to note one key issue. The methods startWork() and endWork() has been annotated with @Override annotation. This tells to the compiler that the method that is annotated with @Override is an overridden method. So, the compiler immediately climbs up to the base class to find the existence of such a method. If no such method is found in the base class, then the compiler can report an error message.
The major aim of introducing this annotation @Override is to catch the errors that programmers might make when overriding a method in the sub-class. For example, consider the following sample code,

If the functionality of the getTableCellEditorComponent() has to be overriden, then a new class has to be created by extending the DefaultTableCellEditor as shown below,

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From the above, we can see that the Annotation @TestAnnotation is annotated with @Target. This kind of Annotation Chaining is always possible. The target element tells that the @TestAnnotation annotation can be applied only to methods and not to any other element types. The argument to @Target Annotation can be one from the possible set of values of any Java Element, which is defined in a well-defined Enum called ElementType. Here are the possible values taken by this Enum,

  • TYPE – Applied only to Type. A Type can be a Java class or interface or an Enum or even an Annotation.
  • FIELD – Applied only to Java Fields (Objects, Instance or Static, declared at class level).
  • METHOD – Applied only to methods.
  • PARAMETER – Applied only to method parameters in a method definition.
  • CONSTRUCTOR – Can be applicable only to a constructor of a class.
  • LOCAL_VARIABLE – Can be applicable only to Local variables. (Variables that are declared within a method or a block of code).
  • ANNOTATION_TYPE – Applied only to Annotation Types.
  • PACKAGE – Applicable only to a Package.

2.3) Retention Annotation

Another commonly used Meta-data for an Annotation is the Retention Policy. Assume that we have some Annotations defined in the source code. We have a mechanism through which we can say that to what extent the Annotations should be retained. The three possible ways of telling this are,

  • Retain the Annotation in the Source Code only
  • Retain the Annotation in the Class file also.
  • Retain the Annotation Definition during the Run-time so that JVM can make use of it.

The Annotation that is used to achieve this is @Retention and it takes a possible values of SOURCE, CLASS and RUNTIME defined in RetentionPolicy Enumeration. For example, if we want to retain the @TestAnnotation information till the class file, we can define something like this,

3) Built-in Annotations in Java

There are some pre-defined annotations available in the Java Programming language. They are,

  • Override
  • Deprecated
  • SuppressWarnings

3.1) The @Override Annotation

The syntax of the @Override annotation is as follows,

@Override annotation essentially tells to the compiler that, whenever such an annotation is defined in a method of some class, then that method must be an overridden method. If not, then the compilers can report them as errors. Consider the following sample which explains this,

In the above sample code, we have a class called Employee with two methods namely startWork() and endWork(). These methods have been marked as protected so that sub-classses can override them by providing their own functionality. A class, Manager is created and the methods are overriden in the sub-class. At this point, we have to note one key issue. The methods startWork() and endWork() has been annotated with @Override annotation. This tells to the compiler that the method that is annotated with @Override is an overridden method. So, the compiler immediately climbs up to the base class to find the existence of such a method. If no such method is found in the base class, then the compiler can report an error message.
The major aim of introducing this annotation @Override is to catch the errors that programmers might make when overriding a method in the sub-class. For example, consider the following sample code,

If the functionality of the getTableCellEditorComponent() has to be overriden, then a new class has to be created by extending the DefaultTableCellEditor as shown below,

The above code compiles and run fine, but not with the expected behavior because of the fact that when re-defining the method in the sub-class the method name has been wrongly spelled (getTableCellEditorComponet() instead of getTableCellEditorComponent()). Developers would have wasted their energy and time in debugging what was wrong with the code and why the expected behavior wasn't the customized functionality. These kind of errors can be found at the compile-time rather than at the run-time, if the annotation @Override is applied on the re-defined method in the sub-class. If the method is annotated with @Override and if there is an mismatch in the method name or in the argument list, then the compiler will immediately report an error message like,
Acorn 6 0 2 download free. 'The method getTableCellEditorComponet of type ‘MyCustomizedTableCellEditor' must override a super-class method'.

3.2) The @SuppressWarnings Annotation

With the concept of Generics starting from Java 5.0, references to any of the Collection types should be parameterized. Else the compiler will issue a warning message. For example, consider the following legacy code which makes use of a raw List type,

If the code gets compiled by using a Java 5 Compiler, then we would probably see a message something very similar to this.
'List is a raw type. References to generic type List should be parameterized'.
The compiler suggests not to use raw type for Collection without being parameterized with some type. For getting rid of this warning message, one can define the return type like List thereby making the compiler happy. Assume the case of legacy projects when its get compiled by a Java 5.0 compiler. We can see numerous of warning like this. It is highly impossible to go and fix everywhere. Consider the case where a project is depending on a third-party library, in which case the dependant source code cannot be changed. The solution for this problem is to make use of @SuppressWarnings Annotation. The following shows the definition of a Suppress Warning Annotation,

Note that Suppress Warnings can be used on various Java elements like Class/Interface, Method, Constructor etc. When applied on any of the Java Elements along with a value, it provides a hint to the Compiler to turn-off the warnings. Consider the following code,

The above code provides a hint to the compiler to suppress the unchecked warnings. Following is another example of Suppress Warnings. We know that it is a good practice to provide a Serial Version Identifier for a class that implements the Serializable interface. Consider the following code,

The compiler will warn saying that for a Serializable class, there should be a definition of Serial Version Identifier like this :'The serializable class LegacyCode does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long'. This can be suppressed (although its not a good practice) by using the following Annotation.

Note that in the above case the Annotation is applied in the class-level.

3.3) The @Deprecated Annotation

The Interfaces and the Classes in an Application get updated every now and then. Interfaces used by the Clients may undergo so many revisions in the form of new methods being added and existing methods being removed or updated. Imagine the case where a method defined in a class or an interface has now become obsolete and we should warn the Client Applications not to make use of them. One dangerous way is to remove the method itself from the Interface. But this solution has a huge impact on the code that is dependant on this interface. Another elegant way is to mark the old method as deprecated which informs the client not to use this method anymore because in the future versions this old method may not be supported. Clients may prepare themselves not to depend on the old method anymore.
For example, consider the following code,

The class MyOldClass has a method myDeprecatedMethod() which is tagged as Deprecated. Now if any of the Client code tries to access this method, then the following warning message is issued by the compiler.
'The method myDeprecatedMethod() from the type MyOldClass is deprecated'.
It is always nice to mention the alternate ways in the JavaDoc itself. For example, the JavaDoc for myDeprecatedMethod() method suggests to use the method myAlternativeMethod() as an alternative.

4) User-defined Annotations

In this section, we shall see how to annotate objects that we may come across in day-to-day life. Imagine that we want to persistent object information to a file. An Annotation called Persistable can be used for this purpose. An important thing is that we want to mention the file in which the information will get stored. We can have a property called fileName within the declaration of Annotation itself. The definition of the Persistable Annotation is given below,

Note that we have specified the target for this Annotation as Field and Local variable meaning that this Annotation can be applicable only to Java Fields and Local variables. Also note how the property fileName for this Annotation is defined. The type (String, in this case) followed by the property name which looks like a method definition fashion.
Having defined this Annotation, let us see how to apply this Annotation on Java Elements. Consider the following code snippet,

The above code tells to save all the information about the Movie object to the file called movies.txt. But who will do this operation? We haven't defined any code that will do this operation. Generally Annotations are interpreted by Tools and once Tools read these Annotation informations, they will perform the required operation. If we want to give default values to a property, then we should follow the strange syntax.

Fuzzmeasure 4 1 1 download free. In this case, if the clients didn't supply a value to the fileName property, then the default value defaultMovies.txt is taken. Now let us see the syntax of specifying multiple values to a property. Let us assume that we want to save the status of the object in multiple files in which case we should have declared an array to hold the filenames.

And now Clients can given multiple file entries using the traditional array syntax like this,

5) Reflecting the Annotation Information

5.1) Introduction

In this section, let us see how to query for information related to Annotation types using Reflection. As we all know, Java Reflection API is used to dynamically discover information (meta-data information too) for any type of Java Element like Class, Interface, Field, Method, Constructor etc. From Java 5.0 onwards, the Reflection API has been extended to add support for Annotation types too.
A new interface called Annotated Element (AnnotationElement) has been added to the java.lang.annotation package. This interface is primarily used to tell that the element in consideration is an Annotation Element which means that all the existing classes/interfaces like java.lang.Package, java.lang.Class, java.lang.reflect.Constructor, java.lang.reflect.Field and java.lang.reflect.Method implement the AnnotationElement interface. Following are the useful methods available in the AnnotationElement interface,

  • Boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class) – This method will return true if the annotation type (which is passed as an argument) is present in the calling element object.
  • Annotation getAnnotation(Class) – When given an Annotation class on the calling element, gives the corresponding Annotation object.
  • Annotation[] getAnnotations() – Returns an array of Annotations that are present on the calling object.

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5.2) Example Program

Let us look into a simple example program that makes use of the new interfaces and the methods to query for Annotation information at run-time. For this example, let us define two Annotation types as follows. One is the Author Annotation and the other is the Version Annotation. This is a very common piece of meta-information that can be given to any Java file (or any other type of file).

Note the definition of the Author annotation. This is a single-valued Annotation meaning that this Annotation has a single property called name. Also make a note of the Target Annotation. The presence of Target Annotation tells that Author Annotation can only be applied to Java elements like Constructor, Method and Type (Class/Interface). Another important thing to note is the Retention for this Annotation is set to Run-time because we want this Annotation information to be available to the JVM while the program is running. The name property is also given a default value unknown if the consuming Application fail to provide an explicit value.
Following is the definition of the Version Annotation. It looks exactly the same as Author Annotation except the fact that it has a property called number (which is of type double) to hold the version value.

Let us have a look at the following class definition that makes use of the above declared Annotations. The Annotations are applied at the class-level as well as in the method-level.

This program makes use of the new API to read the Annotation related information that are applied on various Java Elements. The utility method readAnnotation() takes a parameter of type AnnotationElement which can represent a Class, method or Constructor. Then it queries for a list of Annotations of that particular element by calling the getAnnotations() method. Then the array is iterated to get the individual element, then made a downcast to extract the exact information – and Version.number().

The output for the above program is as follows,

6) Conclusion

Before the advent of Annotations, Applications had to define their meta-data in some configuration files and usually these meta-data were externalized from the Application. Now, they can directly define this meta-data information in the source code. The concept of Annotating elements in Java is gaining much popularity because of its robustness and simplicity of usage. When effectively applied on Java elements, Annotations can be of great use.

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